Top 10k strings from Silly Demo I (1989)(The Lords).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 ~wpjd^YTOKGC?;852/-*(%#! 2 CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR 1 \/^2^-^g^4^4^4^- 1 WVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@GFEDCBA@?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98?>=<;:98 1 SILLY.1 1 SILLY 128 DEMO 1 QOMKIGEDCCCDEEEDCA?=;9} 1 LKJIIIJKLNO} 1 IHGECA><9631/-,++,-/258<@DGIK} 1 Disked by Kicia 1 DHLPSVY[\]]\[YWUROLJGECA@} 1 DHLPSVY[\]]\[YWUROLJGECA@????@ACDEGHIIIIHGECA><9631/-,++,-/258<@DGIKLLLLKJIIIJKLNOQQQQOMKIGEDCCCDEEEDCA?=;977779:<=>???>=<<<<=?A 1 79:<=>???>=} 1 Yes, at last we are back! It has been a long time since 'Quinquagesima', but now you can enjoy our last demo, which accidently is also our last one in the eighties.} 1 Yes, at last we are back! It has been a long time since 'Quinquagesima', but now you can enjoy our last demo, which accidently is also our last one in the eighties. 1 WRITTEN BY LORD INSANITY ON THE VERY LAST DAY OF THE EIGHTIES (I AM NOT KIDDING YOU!)} 1 WRITTEN BY LORD INSANITY ON THE VERY LAST DAY OF THE EIGHTIES (I AM NOT KIDDING YOU!) 1 The Terrorist and the other creeps from 'The Isra-alien Team' - How are you doing in 'your' country? - Hacker Chris - Your demos are improving (thank god) -} 1 THE LORDS PRESENT 'SILLY DEMO I'} 1 THE LORDS PRESENT 'SILLY DEMO I' 1 Sgt. Pepper - Sorry for the delay in returning your diskette, but I was rather busy last months -} 1 Remko Lansaat - Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? (Only kidding) -} 1 Marry Christmas, a happy new-year and the best wishes for 1990 to the following:} 1 Marry Christmas, a happy new-year and the best wishes for 1990 to the following: Sgt. Pepper - Sorry for the delay in returning your diskette, but I was rather busy last months - DACK and ZER0 from 'COOL GUYS LIMITED' - thanks for your letter and tape. If you are coming to tear M. Jurriens apart, don't forget to call me (so I can help) - Remko Lansaat - Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? (Only kidding) - The Terrorist and the other creeps from 'The Isra-alien Team' - How are you doing in 'your' country? - Hacker Chris - Your demos are improving (thank god) - DVB - Thanks for your tape - The Champ - Buy a Sam Coupe too - All others I can't remember - Buy a Sam Coupe too! - Oh yeah, before I forget, I called it 'Silly Demo I' because I couldn' come up with a more original title. 1 Lets get on with the credits, alright?} 1 Lets get on with the credits, alright? Credits to COKO from 'The Judges' for explaining the old Rob Hubbard Routine - Rob Hubbard (again for composing the tune you are listening to) - Lord Insanity for writing the whole goddamned demo and converting the music and graphics. 1 I just choosed to use this picture because it was excellent for letting a scroll dissapear behind it. So no 'American Dream' stuff here (I even hate the Americans. I mean, which self-respecting country is proud of having an ex-actor as a (ex-)president)?} 1 I just choosed to use this picture because it was excellent for letting a scroll dissapear behind it. So no 'American Dream' stuff here (I even hate the Americans. I mean, which self-respecting country is proud of having an ex-actor as a (ex-)president)? 1 I guess that was all for now, rests me just this to say: Buy a Sam Coupe and watch out for 'El Loco' and 'Podpersons from Mars' (our two following demos). Lord Insanity, Roosendaal, december 31th 1989}) } 1 I guess that was all for now, rests me just this to say: Buy a Sam Coupe and watch out for 'El Loco' and 'Podpersons from Mars' (our two following demos). Lord Insanity, Roosendaal, december 31th 1989 1 For those who are not curious about the presence of 'Uncle Sam' in this demo, skip this part.} 1 For those who are not curious about the presence of 'Uncle Sam' in this demo, skip this part. 1 DVB - Thanks for your tape - The Champ - Buy a Sam Coupe too - All others I can't remember - Buy a Sam Coupe too! - Oh yeah, before I forget, I called it 'Silly Demo I' because I couldn' come up with a more original title.} 1 DACK and ZER0 from 'COOL GUYS LIMITED' - thanks for your letter and tape. If you are coming to tear M. Jurriens apart, don't forget to call me (so I can help) -} 1 Credits to COKO from 'The Judges' for explaining the old Rob Hubbard Routine - Rob Hubbard (again for composing the tune you are listening to) - Lord Insanity for writing the whole goddamned demo and converting the music and graphics.} 1 But why the hack did you call it 'Silly Demo I' I hear you ask ? Well, I will answer it within a few moments, but first I would like to do the greetings for those who can't wait till the end.} 1 But why the hack did you call it 'Silly Demo I' I hear you ask ? Well, I will answer it within a few moments, but first I would like to do the greetings for those who can't wait till the end. 1 "SILLY.1"